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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250127-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1962
Country: Cuba,Mexico,USA,USSR
Location: San Cristobal
TC Begins: 14:00:00
TC Ends: 14:18:13
Duration: 00:18:13
NOTE: to order see: or contact us at: 1964 - Cuba Missile Crisis: Cabinet Meeting & Missiles Animated moves over stills of President Kennedy presiding over meeting / meetings in White House Cabinet Room w/ Vice-President Johnson / LBJ, Robert Kennedy, McNamara, Rusk, McGeorge Bundy & others. 14:05:03 JFK holding pencil on paper w/ Rusk looking on, Pierre Salinger behind. 14:08:01 CU JFK, pull back, seated holding papers w/ many papers on conference table & McNamara reading beside JFK. 14:08:45 CU reconnaissance photograph w/ label MRBM Field Launch Site San Cristobal No 2 14Oct62 / 14 October 1962. Pull back showing other details & zoom in on labels of missile trailers, tents, equipment, etc. 14:10:37 CU reconnaissance photograph w/ label MRBM Field Launch Site San Cristobal No 1 14Oct62. Pull back showing other labels & arrows to details. 14:11:47 MCU ?? MRBM Launch Site 1 w/ Nuclear Warhead Storage Site & labels on other areas, zoom in & out on Nuclear Warhead Storage Site. 14:12:55 Zoom in on photographer & labels for Missile Transporters, Missile Shelter Tents. 14:13:51 Photographer w/ labels for Missile Shelter Tent, zoom in on Missile Erector location. Repeat. 14:14:56 CU w/ label Nuclear Warhead Bunker U/C (under construction). Pan right to labeled Launch Area. Zoom in on large Quonset hut type building (Nuclear Warhead Bunker) w/ men in front. 14:16:43 Zoom in on shot of overall area w/ connecting roads; berms shown around missiles. Medium-Range Ballistic Missiles; U-2 Photography ; Cold War; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: to order see: or contact us at: