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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250210-16
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1966,1960s
Country: USA
Location: Baltimore,Maryland,New York City,NYC Staten Island
TC Begins: 17:14:19
TC Ends: 17:16:38
Duration: 00:02:19
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1966 - USA Government: President Johnson Visits Baltimore & New York On Fundraising Trip. Oct66 Intertitle: LBJ On Tour - Whirlwind Visit In New York. LS High Angle / HA across large crowd outside factory; walking up to speakers stand, shaking hands. LS of large buildings over heads of crowd. 17:14:41 Press. LBJ speaking. Crowd applauds. 17:14:52 POV past Interstate 278 highway sign Verrazano Narrows Br, Staten Island, New Jersey. POV of motorcade behind police escort onto ramp of bridge & across suspension bridge to Staten Island.. 17:15:04 Crowd of people waving flags along Staten Island speakers platform near highway, LBJ at podium; shaking hands from car. 17:15:26 POV behind police escort crossing Verrazano Narrows Bridge, LS thru cables of Manhattan skyscrapers. POV of open car w/ LBJ standing waving past apartment houses; CU of LBJ, MLS of LBJ & Bobbie Kennedy above crowd; LBJ in crowd shaking hands. 17:16:01 MS LBJ & Democrat Party VIPs watching parade w/ marchers up Fifth Avenue. LBJ shaking hands in crowd. Presidential Politics; 1960s; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: