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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220754-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1950s-1962
Country: Germany
Location: Berlin East and West
TC Begins: 17:43:59
TC Ends: 17:54:28
Duration: 00:10:29
Life in a divided Berlin Little America in West Berlin - American army community has its own schools and kindergarten. Children in school. American shopping center. Radio dial. Radio broadcast - announcer re American Music Hall from Berlin. American teenagers jiving - cheerleaders. 17:44:44 Reveille - officer blowing whistle - US soldiers waking up. Military training at dawn in woods - US tank - soldiers run out of woods firing rifles. Soldier standing sentry on gates of US HQ Berlin. 17:45:20 East Berlin - almost deserted highway. Troops marching - military parade - Russian troops in parade. Khrushchev arriving by plane in East Germany embraces Walter Ulbricht. Animated map. West Berlin, refugee camps for those fleeing the East. 17:46:35 UN - Khrushchev banging fists. 16Aug1961 - Communist police occupy border round West Berlin - building of the Berlin Wall. Barbed wire fences. Tearing up trees to lay down fences. Entrance to church walled up. Water cannon used on cameraman. American tank. Two sides look at each other over wall. Aerial views watchtowers and cleared strips of land marking the border. People waving between East and West. Tear gas and mirrors used to discourage. People jumping from windows to escape. Still of one who died on wire. Two woman waving goodbye over fence watched by guards. East German guard escapes over cemetery fence. West Berlin couple getting married wave to East German mother. 17:50:51 Rally / demonstration addressed by Willy Brandt. VP Johnson visit to Berlin with General Clay. American and British troops arrive to reinforce garrisons. Crowds waving as tanks arrive. 17:51:57 Animated map detailing Soviet incursion in Europe. 17:52:49 West Berlin parliament meeting. Adenauer speaking. European heads speaking - De Gaulle, Macmillan, John Kennedy (JFK) some part overlaid shots divided Berlin. Wreaths . Barbed wire and tank traps. Cold War; 1950s; 1960s;