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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250082-05
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1960s,1970s
Country: USA
Location: CapE Canaveral,Florida
TC Begins: 18:32:09
TC Ends: 18:49:40
Duration: 00:17:31
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Eight American Achievements in Space (1961-1977) Rocket on launch stand; astronaut Alan Shepard in space suit; NASA van to base of rocket & Shepard out, past crew & into elevator w/ assistants. 18:33:08 Redstone Rocket w/ Freedom Seven space capsule launched; CU of Shepard during flight. 18:33:43 Helicopters over capsule; Shepard across aircraft carrier flight deck, onto platform w/ capsule. 18:34:03 Astronauts out of NASA van. Redstone Rocket launched. Astronaut John Glenn in flight; view of earth’s thin atmosphere. Glenn after recovery. Welcome Home banner for Glenn. 18:34:42 Glenn & wife w/ President Kennedy & VP Johnson outside White House. 18:34:49 ?? rocket firing & lifting off. Astronaut during space walk; view of earth below. Astronaut above clouds in space walk, holding ?? 18:35:58 Nose of space vehicle from outside. Rocket in space approaching seen from space capsule during Soyuz mission, docking maneuver . 18:37:06 Rocket firing & lifting off from beside gantry, followed in space. Separation of rocket seen from closeby w/ stage dropping away. Second stage. VERY GOOD. 18:38:17 Astronauts inside capsule. Zoom away from earth (rostrum camera?). Astronauts working in shuttle or ??. POV over moon’s surface. Earth seen in half-shadow a la Earthrise. Part of landing module moving away. Approaching moon surface & blowing dust. 18:40:08 View across moon’s surface. Control Center watching astronaut on moon on video screen. Astronaut beside flag. Interior of space capsule; views during docking. 18:41:50 Apollo 16 emblem; moon map; two astronauts walking on moon, saluting flag, getting soil & rock samples. Driving moon rover. POV from moon rover bouncing; view of rover sliding around on surface. 18:43:09 Chipping moon samples w/ hammer. Astronaut bouncing across surface, skipping. 18:43:28 View from surface of Lunar Lander returning to capsule. View of returning orbiter from capsule, turning to dock & docking. 18:44:14 View from rocket during launch . Capsule under three parachutes descending & spashdown. 18:44:32 Space capsule or ?? w/ antennas extended; approaching seen from moon lander . View of docking. Weightless astronauts in space station ; moving about in weightless gravity; working control panel. 18:45:50 View of shuttle or space station above earth, astronaut doing space walk. 18:46:16 Soviet Soyuz vehicle in space preparing to dock; ?? docking. Russian & American astronauts greeting after docking. 18:47:14 Nose of space shuttle w/ tractor pulling it on ground & crewmen near. Preparing to put it on plane. 747 taking off w/ Shuttle attached on top. Air to air in flight w/ escort jet. Landing. 18:48:43 Shuttle launching, in slight & separating from rockets. Views from outside (models) 1960s; 1970s; Note: needs further cataloging & verifying. NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: