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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221443-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1960
Country: USA
Location: California,Massachusetts,New York
TC Begins: 12:00:00
TC Ends: 12:17:33
Duration: 00:17:33
The Election of John F. Kennedy JFK waving from motorcade w/ Secret Service agents & police alongside; people on curb & lawns; Nixon & wife at night wave from convertible. Intercut campagining & conventions, debates, huge campaign crowds. 12:02:35 Train & Nixon campaigning, speaking from rear in railroad station (MOS). W/ American Indians, old timer miner, Hawaii. 12:03:45 Election day, flag raised on pole on school (?). Black.10:03:47 until 12:03:58 Streets & legal holiday signs & waiting to vote, reading ballots. Booth & machine; men & women enter, pull curtains. Leaving, others arriving & voting. 12:06:06 Helicopter lands w/ President Eisenhower to vote. Ike voting, photographers. Mamie votes. 12:07:24 Ambassador of Japan inspecting voting booths & observing. 12:07:50 Nixon & wife voting. Kennedy & wife voting. 12:08:35 Montage: street signs & signs relating to voting. 12:08:42 People enter school to vote in city. Signing in, waiting. Amb. U Thant observing in New York City. 12:09:39 NBC studios & coverage of election returns. Large floor cameras wheeled around. Huntley & Brinkley at desk. Tabulating machines & main frame IBM 728 (?) computer working. Printout. Party Headquarters & people watching tally boards. 12:10:43 Times Square zipper sign: Kennedy Pulling Ahead...Kennedy Leads in 17 States. CBS News Center & covering. CU Cronkite. Zipper sign re see-saw battle. Press covering. 12:10:33 JFK press secretary Pierre Salinger at teletype. Hyannisport crowd watching; Nixon makes statement. SOF “I want to say that one of the great features of America is that we have political contests, they are very hard fought as this was is hard fought; and once the decision is made we unite behind the man who is elected. I want all of you to know...I want Senator Kennedy to know & I want all of you to know that if this trend does continue & he does become our next President he will have my support and yours too.” Crowd waving, Nixon waving & leaving. 12:14:39 Empty chairs at Republican National Headquarters. 12:15:01 Newspaper stands in NYC & headlines re Kennedy. JFK out of house to talk to press; w/ daughter Caroline & Jackie. Sen. Kennedy before press in Hyannisport w/ Joseph & Rose Kennedy. Speaks: “To all Americans I say the next four years are going to be difficult & challenging years for us all....a supreme national effort will be necessary in the years ahead to move this country safely thru the now my wife & I prepare for a new administration, and a new baby.” Posing. The End. Democracy; Government Propaganda; USIS; Diplomats; Candidates; 1960; Presidential Election 1960; NOTE: Crease in source tape 12:03:34 - 12:03:42.