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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221256-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1963
Country: USA
Location: dallas,DC,Texas,Washington
TC Begins: 23:13:43
TC Ends: 23:23:00
Duration: 00:09:17
The Last Two Days Pt. 2 of 2 21st-23rd Nov. 1963 23:13:43 Shot from Air Force One Presidential aircraft window as plane takes off from Forth Worth to Dallas. AV Dallas. Plane landing (GOOD SEQUENCE), Dallas airport w/ Confederate & Texas flags. Banner for “Kennedy-Johnson, two great Democrats.” Presidential party down aircraft steps, Jackie presented w/ red roses. Shaking hands w/ crowds. Good CUs. 23:15:33 SV Man, possibly Zapruder, w/ home movie camera. POV from motorcade thru crowd-lined streets. VO US newsreader describing events. Good shots thru streets. 23:16:20 Shaky pictures as young couple w/ babies taking cover, laying on grass, newscaster describes scenes of assassination over stills of couple w/ babies. 23:19:06 CU red light flashing. Exteriors hospital, police, secret service men running towards hospital. President’s car, interiors, roses lying on floor. Crowds outside hospital, FBI men on radios. Newscast announces death of the President over pix journalists outside hospital. People crying. 23:21:05 At 01:33 pm White House Aide at press conference (dark). B/W still w/ VO of LBJ sworn in as President. 23:22:06 End of sound. Night clouds, night shots troops slow march escorting arriving cars. White House fountain. JFK Assassination Events; 1960s; Note: Loses sound before pix.