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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221101-08
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1963
Country: Germany,West Germany
Location: FLIEGERHORST KASERNE,Hanau,Wiesbaden AB
TC Begins: 06:03:00
TC Ends: 06:07:03
Duration: 00:04:03
President Kennedy Visits Germany 25-26Jun63 Appears to be edited scenes from reels 1-8 of JFK’s visit to West Germany. JFK at US Army’s Fliegerhorst Kaserne Post in Hanau - reviewing troops on foot & in motorcade - crowd behind fence - VIPs on platform. Presidential helicopter landing on lawn of General von Steuben Hotel ? - JFK out - police hold back crowd - waving miniature German & US flags. 06:05:09 JFK & Erhard into open limousine - stand up for journey through streets. Top shot JFK talking to VIPs inc. four-star US General. EXT Kurhaus. 06:05:50 Sign ‘Headquarters 7101st Air Base Wing - Wiesbaden Air Base’. JFK motorcade arrives w/ motorcycle escort - vars USAF aircraft lined up for review w/ pilots in flight gear saluting as JFK past in car. JFK walks up red carpet past Honor Guard to Air Force One Presidential jet - taxiing & takeoff shots. State Visits - US Presidents. Cold War. Federal Republic of Germany. Military Aviation. 1960s. 1963;