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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221408-02
Color: Black and White and Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1978
Country: USA,USSR
TC Begins: 14:14:10
TC Ends: 14:27:36
Duration: 00:13:26
Price of Peace and Freedom, The Pt 2 of 2 Continued... Night, USSR bomber taking off; refueling in air. Medium bomber taxiing, three in flight. Model of supersonic “backfire” bomber. Chart of offensive delivery vehicles & warheads of USSR & US. 14:15:55 Missile on tracked & other mobile missile launchers thru woods runbys. Setting up SS-16 & SS-20. Man at controls, firing. (GOOD). 14:16:50 Ext. Strategic Air Command. Gen. Russell E. Dougherty SOF “We...are being seriously challenged...w/ the strategic nuclear forces of the Soviet Union...” 14:18:20 Montage: turning radar dishes at varous locations. CU sweep on radar display, operators, USSR SAMs on launchers & men running, setting up, pushing button & firing barrage, hitting targets. USSR fighter jets take off, in air; launching rockets & missiles. CU pilots firing & hitting targets. (GOOD) 14:20:05 Tilt down to NORAD entrance, Cheyenne Mountain. Gen. Daniel Chappie James at desk. SOF: “I think the trend can be clearly seen...we’ve gone down from 300 radars to 100 today...” “However Congress decided it was too expensive to maintain... (ICBMs). USSR missiles shown w/ James VO. 14:21:19 Chart of comparison of defensive trends. James: “We have no defense against ballistic missiles; no, we don’t”. 14:21:43 Tall ships in New York harbor 1976 w/ people watching, boats on water. GOOD crowd Americana. Small town parade w/ applause & drum majorette, others. 14:22:24 Dr. Leon Goure SOF re USSR & civil defense. “...has eroded our deterence...could win a war w/ us.” 14:23:35 Princeton University (brief) & Nobel physicist Dr. Eugene Wigner SOF talks of power of Russian missiles; six times greater than US. 14:24:20 Solzhenitsyn aka Solzenitzen at AFL-CIO dinner SOF w/ VO translation. Very excited, animated. “It is fully determined to destroy your society! Must you wait...” 14:25:27 Sec. of Navy J. William Middendorf II SOF “Today we face a Soviet threat far greater....” 14:26:09 B/W JFK SOF: 02Mar62 address to nation: “Only thru such strength can we be certain of deterring a nuclear attack, or an overwhelming ground attack on our ground forces or our allies...must embody the most modern, the most reliable & the most versatile nuclear weapons our research & development can produce.” 14:26:54 B/W JFK State of the Union, 1963 SOF: “And until the world can develop a reliable system of international security, the free peoples have no choice but to keep their arms nearby. This country therefore continues to require the best defense in the world.” Credits Cold War; Scare Films; Anti-Communism; Anti-Communists; Right Wing; Arms Race; Military Buildup; Alarmist; Defense; Offense; 1970s; Nuclear War;