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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250029-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1961
Location: Fort Bragg,North Carolina
TC Begins: 08:42:00
TC Ends: 08:53:55
Duration: 00:11:55
Pt. 1 of 2 Montage: Paratroopers marching into rear of plane, door closed. Formation of ?? four-engine aircraft overhead, paratroopers out side door; out rear door; landing, running, firing machine guns. Fighter jets dropping napalm; artillery fired. Rockets launched. Aerial over formation of helicopters; landing from ground w/ troops out. CUs. Firing mortars, rifles. 04:44:13 Titles. 04:44:49 MCU The Constitution of the United States of America. Zoom in to Article II & down to Sect. II: The President shall be commander-in-chief of the army & navy of the United States... 04:45:34 MS White House shots. 04:45:49 Woodrow Wilson signing paper at desk (7 seconds). Montage: photo of joint session of Congress; Wilson drawing draft numbers; Pershing; Wilson in fur coat w/ Pershing & ??; FDR & Gen. George Marshall & others; Truman w/ military generals on reviewing stand; joint session of Congress. 04:46:27 Four-engine plane landing; military officers on tarmac, military VIPs off plane followed by Secretary of Defense McNamara. Pan 82nd Airborne on Fort Bragg runway, President John F. Kennedy off plane, w/ VIPs on tarmac, walking to car & driving away, along highway on rear of convertible, arriving at reviewing stand & taking his place. Color Guard. 82nd Airborne troops w/ gear at attention showing various type troops. 04:49:50 JFK in convertible past & reviews troops. 04:51:16 JFK at microphones: “I want to express my appreciation to the officers & men of the 82nd AB for this opportunity to see a group of Americans, who do in peacetime, what others do in wartime...these days of a Cold are maintaining Freedom all around the globe.” 04:52:32 Jeeps, trucks w troops, etc past JFK on stand. Continued... Pre-Vietnam era; 1960s; 1961; Cold War; Military Strength; 1961; Kennedy Last Days; NOTE: Any 14 continuous minutes of film sold at per reel rate. The original release sheet reads: This week THE BIG PICTURE cameras record President Kennedy's visit to Fort Bragg, North Carolina, in late 1961. The Commander-in-Chief was there to appraise the strength of one very important aspect of his fighting command -- soldiers of the 82nd Airborne Division, part of the Strategic Army Corps. You will witness a grandstand view of the built-in power of a mighty force -- a force that is a part of the vanguard of our freedom, our security, and our way of life... our STRAC force, whose motto tells the story -- skilled... tough... ready around the clock.