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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221761-04
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1959
Country: USA,USSR
Location: DC,Washington
TC Begins: 05:15:42
TC Ends: 05:26:28
Duration: 00:10:46
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1959 - Color, USA: Khrushchev’s In Washington DC. 15-16Sep59 Title. Commercial plane landing w/ Soviet airliner in foreground; crowd lining metal fence; USSR airliner landing at Andrews Air Force base. CU US & USSR flags. President Eisenhower w/ Khrushchev & translators on tarmac. TV camera on hydraulic lift, other photographers on platform below. High angle walking on red carpet, K. shaking hands w/ Secretary of State Christian Herter, flowers presented. Honor guard firing artillery, 21 gun salute. 05:17:13 Ike at microphones, SOF welcoming. Cut-away to tv camera. 05:18:14 K. replies, reads speech w/ VO translation. 05:19:02 Line of military troops w/ various flags. Mrs K. w/ flowers & board open limousine, lave past military at attention. 05:19:55 Motorcade past Washington monument w/ photographers in back of open truck leading; MS crowds along street. GOOD. 05:20:25 Arriving at Blair House, crowd watch entrance & pose on steps w/ Ike who leaves in open car. K. w/ Ambassador Lodge in open limousine circles to White House. Pose outside - GOOD. 05:21:43 Interior: Newsreel camera & photographers, Ike w/ Nixon & others presented gift from K. Smiling. 05:22:13 Leaving W.H. to Marine helicopter for aerial tour of Washington, Nixon & others watching. Aerial past Washington Monument w/ haze / smog / pollution; over Jefferson Memorial, Capitol & Potomac River bridge & beltway. Suburban sub-divisions, shopping center, government buildings. 05:23:53 Helicopter landing. MCU cameraman w/ arriflex (?). 05:24:01 Mamie & Mrs. K. & Ike & K. in formal dress pose for photographers. 05:24:16 Early morning traffic in Washington. 05:24:23 K. posing on steps of Blair House. pan to traffic. MCU people watching. 05:24:52 POV motorcade onto Department of Agricutlure Research Center campus, Beltsville, Maryland. Sec. of Agriculture Benson greets / shakes hands; employees watch from windows. 05:25:14 Int. Scientists showing fruit / vegetables to K. Plant growth explained w/ chemical limiters. 05:25:42 Crowd watching K. look at dairy herd. Cyrillic signs explaining; MCU Beltsville Small White turkeys in cages & held by VIP as K. laughes and pets feathers. Russian-American Diplomacy; Cold War; Diplomats; State Visit; USSR; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: