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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221192-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1959
Country: Estonia,Kazakhstan,Russia,USSR
Location: Estonia,KAZAKHSTA|,Moscow
TC Begins: 02:19:35
TC Ends: 02:28:32
Duration: 00:08:57
Russian News of the Day 1959 #04 January “Khrushchev’s reception” Khruschev meets Polish delegation w/ deputy chairman of Poland’s cabinet Zenen Novek(?), delegates shake hands, CU Khrushchev & VIPs pose for group photo. 02:20:32 “Ambassador of Czechoslovakia” Czech delegation w/ ambassador Richard Dvorzhek(?) enter Kremlin meeting hall, Voroshilov meets delegation, CU Dvorzhek & Voroshilov, speeches, shake hands. 02:21:02 “Honored Doctor” CU diploma for doctor of historical science & Moscow’s University’s anniversary medal, LS people at tablel, Chancellor Petrovsky presents Black American Professor William DuBois (died in 1963 at age 95) w/ award. 02:21:39 “Today’s People”, Large chemical factory, CU worker’s leader Ivan on catwalk, enters control room, dials, gages. Ivan studying at Polytechnical Institute; w/ other students in laboratory, mix liquids. Estonia, truck POV on snowy road, driver stops, shakes hands w/ CU collective farm’s leader Artur Sarav(?), newly built village houses, Sarav checks on builders’ work. People walk on wintery street, CU instrument, factory worker Maria at machine that prints factory’s logo on parts; Maria in front of classroom at evening school. Train w/ oil tank cars leaving city, CU engineer in cab of locomotive. 02:23:40 “After Great Plan” LS Winter & smoking chimneys, CU stopwatch. Steel mill & overhead shots large machinery, furnaces. Kazakhstan open pit strip mine, crane driver & digging ore & dumping into large trucks & leaving on road, shot of ore train. CU new buses, interiors & buses out of factory gates. Moscow factory of experimental building materials & prefabrication machinery; workers & factory leader Kozlov, shot of building built w/ new prefabricated materials. (VERY GOOD) 02:26:03 CU river down mountain canyon; man on the phone in CU, another presses button to set off huge explosion (VERY GOOD) of side of mountain for dam, workers applaud, high angle bulldozers & earthmoving equipment. 02:27:06 ‘Sport’ Outskirts Leningrad, skiing competition, ski jumping from high tower. 15 km cross-country ski race thru forest; shots of athletes skiing, winner crosses finish line, people shake hands w/ athletes, CU winners on podium 1st place - USSR athlete, 2nd - Finland & 3rd - Norway. The End. Communisum; Socialism Benefits; Progress; Natural Resources; Mining; Transportation; Celebrity; Black Independence.