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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221593-14
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1921
Country: England,Ireland,United Kingdom
Location: Dublin,London
TC Begins: 08:15:13
TC Ends: 08:19:48
Duration: 00:04:35
1921 - King George, David Lloyd George & Irish Peace Treaty Signing & De Valera at Downing Street Title: Peace Council At The Palace - Splendid News! says the King - His smile... 08:15:40 King George V, David Lloyd George & others posing. CU King George V posing. 08:16:19 Flash frame: No. 10 where the peace was signed. Front door. CU agreement, page lifted to end w/ signatures. 08:16:37 Flash frame: The Irish Delegates who signed the memorable treaty. Pan across four including Michael Collins (?) & Arthur Griffith. 08:17:13 Slug 08:17:19 Title: Ulster’s Great Day - Sir James Craig addresses 50,000 Orangemen after imposing demonstration in the City. 08:17:26 Parade thru crowd lined street w/ people following carriages, band, banners & marchers. 08:18:17 Men waving hats & cheerng from reviewing stand. Man speaking. 08:18:34 Slug. 08:18:36 Title: Sinn Feiners in Downing Street - Mr. De Valera Meets Mr. Lloyd George and Peace prospects are bright. 08:18:44 Crowd waiting at end of Downing Street, cameramen & photographers visible. Police line. Car pulls up alongside still photographers; De Valera out quickly & into No. 10. Crowd waiting w/ women kneelling in prayer in front, one holds picture of De Valera. 08:19:26 De Valera into back of open car; leaves thru cheering crowd. Ireland Independence; Revolution; End of Empire; Politics; Diplomacy; Sinn Fein; NOTE: Peace Treaty was signed 06Dec21.