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1968 - USSR Documentary: First USSR Foreign Diplomats
Documentary about Georgi Chicherin & 1st Soviet diplomats. Memories of ancient nation’s Foreign Commissariat workers. CU old ex commissariat workers talk at table.
23:25:44 WWI, CU bells in bell tower, city ruins, bombs dropped from airplane, explosions, people rescue injured from city ruins, CU big Battleship artillery, shooting, explosions.
23:26:00 Stills: London, summer of 1917, CU Tower bridge, Big Ben, CU window w/ cages across, ext. Brixton prison’s entrance gates, ext prison building.
23:26:41 CU picture of Georgy Chicherin, sent to Brixton prison, thru caged prison window to windmill on the field, prison hall, CU order of arrest for Checherin. Sign: Oakly Square, ext. house where Checherin was staying at the time, CU street’s name, narration tells Checherins life story, CU Checherin’s party member’s card from France under the nick name - Ornacky, CU Checherin’s membership card of British Socialist Party, shot of house in Oakley Square that was the meeting place of Russian immigrants.
23:28:08 Painting of Checherin w/ his assistant Angela Nigel, picture of Checherin voice of Angela Nigel, her memories of Checherin & his arrest on 04Aug1917, shots of the building w/ street name Moorgate EC2, where was Checherin’s office where he was arrested by English secret agent.
23:29:08 Shot thru Checherin’s prison window to windmill. CU windmill & clouds.
23:29:26 Checherin’s homeland w/ river thru summer woodland, sun shines thru tree tops. Checherin’s childhood house, photograph of parents, first page of Checherin’s autobiography & Checherin as young boy, narration - fragment from autobiography, CU sheet music, narrator says Checherin composed music as a child. Woodland & shots thru to country road to Checherin's parents house, pictures of Checherin & family members. CU Checherin’s portrait as a young man, narration reads out fragment from Checherin’s letter to a friend, where he writes that he can’t live just like that, he needs some purpose for life, that he would prefer unhappy life but w/ real passion for something in it.
23:31:22 CU picture of older Checherin, prison window, CU Chesham House on wall, ext. Russian embassy, where as Checherin wrote it was pointless to turn as they are on the enemy’s side. Archival of Royal parade w/ King George V & Queen Mary passing in horse carriage. Stills montage: Lloyd George, clock tower, prison window, prison & bed side table. narration: ‘tells how on Checherin’s 45th birthday he got the good news about Russian revolution’. CU newspaper headlines - ‘Another Revolution in Russia’, picture of Lloyd George reading newspaper, CU newspaper articles - “Maximalists seize State Bank”.
23:32:47 Archival of Moscow & soldiers w/ guns on shoulders march in to bank building, CU picture of Lenin.
(Continued on LN 400-243)
Biography Film; Diplomacy; WW1;
NOTE: Any one continuous minute sold at per reel rate.
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at:
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1968 - USSR Documentary: First USSR Foreign Diplomats Documentary about Georgi Chicherin & 1st Soviet diplomats. Memories of ancient nation’s Foreign Commissariat workers. CU old ex commissariat workers talk at table. 23:25:44 WWI, CU bells in bell tower, city ruins, bombs dropped from airplane, explosions, people rescue injured from city ruins, CU big Battleship artillery, shooting, explosions. 23:26:00 Stills: London, summer of 1917, CU Tower bridge, Big Ben, CU window w/ cages across, ext. Brixton prison’s entrance gates, ext prison building. 23:26:41 CU picture of Georgy Chicherin, sent to Brixton prison, thru caged prison window to windmill on the field, prison hall, CU order of arrest for Checherin. Sign: Oakly Square, ext. house where Checherin was staying at the time, CU street’s name, narration tells Checherins life story, CU Checherin’s party member’s card from France under the nick name - Ornacky, CU Checherin’s membership card of British Socialist Party, shot of house in Oakley Square that was the meeting place of Russian immigrants. 23:28:08 Painting of Checherin w/ his assistant Angela Nigel, picture of Checherin voice of Angela Nigel, her memories of Checherin & his arrest on 04Aug1917, shots of the building w/ street name Moorgate EC2, where was Checherin’s office where he was arrested by English secret agent. 23:29:08 Shot thru Checherin’s prison window to windmill. CU windmill & clouds. 23:29:26 Checherin’s homeland w/ river thru summer woodland, sun shines thru tree tops. Checherin’s childhood house, photograph of parents, first page of Checherin’s autobiography & Checherin as young boy, narration - fragment from autobiography, CU sheet music, narrator says Checherin composed music as a child. Woodland & shots thru to country road to Checherin's parents house, pictures of Checherin & family members. CU Checherin’s portrait as a young man, narration reads out fragment from Checherin’s letter to a friend, where he writes that he can’t live just like that, he needs some purpose for life, that he would prefer unhappy life but w/ real passion for something in it. 23:31:22 CU picture of older Checherin, prison window, CU Chesham House on wall, ext. Russian embassy, where as Checherin wrote it was pointless to turn as they are on the enemy’s side. Archival of Royal parade w/ King George V & Queen Mary passing in horse carriage. Stills montage: Lloyd George, clock tower, prison window, prison & bed side table. narration: ‘tells how on Checherin’s 45th birthday he got the good news about Russian revolution’. CU newspaper headlines - ‘Another Revolution in Russia’, picture of Lloyd George reading newspaper, CU newspaper articles - “Maximalists seize State Bank”. 23:32:47 Archival of Moscow & soldiers w/ guns on shoulders march in to bank building, CU picture of Lenin. (Continued on LN 400-243) Biography Film; Diplomacy; WW1; NOTE: Any one continuous minute sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: