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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221202-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1914-1918
Country: England,France,Germany,Holland,United Kingdom,USA
TC Begins: 13:13:53
TC Ends: 13:27:41
Duration: 00:13:48
The War to End All Wars (195?) Pt. 2 of ? Continued... Very good shots munitions manufacture in Germany, women making bombs in AEG factory. Aircraft production 13:14:22 Archduke Franz Ferdinand w/ other royals & VIPs. Still assassin Gavrilo Princip. Newspaper headlines re assassination. Coffins of Archduke & wife return to Austria. 13:15:10 Mobilization, troops inspected by Emperor Franz Josef, newspaper headlines re Germany backing Austria. Big guns firing, explosions. Newspaper headlines re Austria declares war. Germany declares war against Russia. French mobilize. German troops marching. Big guns firing. Battle scenes in Belgium. Railway guns, buildings burning. Belgian troops, King Albert at train station. Bomb damaged buildings. 13:17:42 Refugees in horsedrawn carts. German troops advance, trench warfare. French counter-attack at Battle of the Marne. Good shots Paris taxis take new recruits to front line. Battle scenes 13:19:30 Quentin Reynolds interviews Sir Cedric Hardwicke, a British soldier during WWI. Hardwicke tells how he was in Bulawayo, Rhodesia when war broke out, returned to England & joined in 1915. VO shots British mobilization. Battle scenes & explosions. 13:22:40 Soldiers thru trenches, some w/ snow. Advance into no-man’s-land. German machine gunners. Explosions and dead bodies. German prisoners of war. Somme, tank, explosions. Artillery firing, pan round barren landscape. Wounded carried to aid station, many bodies in trenches. Destroyed buildings. 13:26:25 Civilian refugees carry belongings. King George V presents medal in the field. British troops march. 13:26:55 Presenter Reynolds w/ Hardwicke. WW1 History; NOTE: One continuous minute sold at per reel rate.