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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221506-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1910,1918
Country: Austria,England,France,Germany,United Kingdom
Location: Chateau Thierry,London,Mussy,Seine,sur
TC Begins: 00:26:43
TC Ends: 00:37:45
Duration: 00:11:02
WWI Chateau Thierry; Mussy-sur Seine 18Aug18 & Theatrical Troupe; 26th Div; Edward VII Funeral 20May10 etc. Pt. 1 of 2 Title: “4:40 pm Artillery supplies & water carts crossing a trestle bridge constructed by 101st Engineers over Marne. The 101st Regt., 26th Div. composed of the former 1st Massachusetts Engineers, & parts of the 1st Maine Field Artillery & New England Coast Artillery.” 00:27:04 Soldier on horse(?), mules w/ wagon & soldiers walking toward camera across wooden bridge. 00:28:09 Title: “4:50 pm - first pontoon bridge over the Marne at Chateau Thierry, constructed by 101st Eng. & used by Americans in their advance.” Same bridge, soldier leads two mules pulling wagon in MS. LS of small pontoon bridge w/ soldiers walking across, one on bicycle. Destroyed bridge in background. 00:29:28 Title: “5:00 pm - ..26th Div. entering Chateau Thierry. Note German barricades in foreground.” High angle, troops marching thru town. 00:30:50 Title: “A battery of the 26th Div., shelling Torcy w/ 75mm. guns from a recently constructed...” Camouflaged artillery firing w/ large fields behind, men seen beneath netting, clean barrel & fire. CU & LS. 00:33:12 Title: “?18- 210 mm Howitzer captured by 102nd Inf., 26th Div near Chateau Thierry, 22Jul18...” Large Howitzer in shade of tree inspected by group of officers, walk past. Man posing beside. (flash frame title). 00:33:47 Title: “Mussy-sur-Seine, France 18Aug18 Theatrical troupe of 26th Div giving entertainment...” Men raising make-shift curtain on poles & ropes in front of trees. Large crowd of soldiers & civilians watching. MCU soldiers holding young French woman; Man in black face & clown costume dancing in front of whites, some in black face as in minstrel line up. 00:34:41 Title: “Officers & enlisted men of 26th Div. These men served at least five months in front lines & were relieved after the second battle of the Marne.” “Private Tedesco, M.D.S. rider of 26th Div.” Man sitting on motorcycle & drinking from bottle, others behind watching. 00:35:01 In city: Unid. VIPs, politicians & military watching Austrian or German generals walk past officers, garlands draped. Kaiser (?) reviewing troops. Goose stepping troops w/ drums in front march past. Saluting. 00:35:28 London, England funeral of Edward VII (20May10). General (?) out of carriage, troops at attention w/ rifles & bayonets, reviews troops. Different angle w/ mounted troops in formal uniforms & pennants on poles riding past large crowd lining street. Scottish unit marching. Flag draped coffin on caisson w/ troops following. MCU of marching units. Gurkhas (?) on horseback. Royal carriage past. 00:37:41 King George V rides on horseback, salutes. Continued... Entertaining Troops; Royalty; 1910; 1918;