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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221516-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1939
Country: Canada,England,United Kingdom,USA
Location: DC,London,Montreal,Ottawa,Quebec City,Washington
TC Begins: 02:19:22
TC Ends: 02:29:01
Duration: 00:09:39
The Visit of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth to Canada and the United States 02:19:35 06May39 Royal couple leave Buckingham Palace and children & Queen Mother see off at station along with government officials. Board ship HMS Empress of Australia at Portsmouth. Arriving Quebec City in St. Lawrence greeted by Prime Minister MacKenzie King. 02:21:00 Greeting & motorcade through streets. Montreal motorcade. On balcony of Windsor Hotel. 02:21:47 Ottawa greeting & military review. 02:22:42 Queen laying corner stone for Canada’s Supreme Court; mingling with crowd. King dedicates war memorial. 02:23:40 At Toronto race track and horse race. 02:24:17 Baniff arrival, views; Blackfeet Indians encampment. CUs. 02:24:52 Vancouver, British Columbia welcome. 02:25:06 Title. Arriving Washington, DC by train w/ Cordell Hull, meeting FDR & Eleanor Roosevelt in Union Station, Washington, DC. Parade up Pennsylvania Avenue. Garden party at British Embassy w/ J.P. Morgan present, speaking w/ King & Queen. 02:26:39 Reception for Congress in Capitol. Visit to Mt. Vernon & wreath laying at George Washington’s tomb. Wreath laying Arlington Cemetery. 02:27:31 Arrival in NYC past Statue of Liberty. Greeted by LaGuardia & Gov. Lehman then motorcade around Manhattan. Hyde Park, NY visit w/ President Franklin & Eleanor Roosevelt & his mother. MCUs for press. Royalty; British; Diplomacy; President Roosevelt; FDR; Pre-WWII; Pre-WW2.