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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250020-03
Color: Black and White and Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1944
Country: USA
Location: DC,hyde park,New York,Washington
TC Begins: 14:16:55
TC Ends: 14:21:50
Duration: 00:04:55
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Color. Young girl & parents riding pony & horses on lawn at President Roosevelt’s Hyde Park, New York. Probably Anna Eleanor Dall &/or Sarah Delano Roosevelt w/ Anna Boettiger & ??. 14:17:50 Winston Churchill talking w/ FDR in convertible car w/ Anna Boettiger beside. 14:18:10 Girls on ponies on lawn. 14:18:13 FDR driving grandchildren in open convertible; Anna Boettiger sitting on back of rear seat. 14:18:24 Churchill talking to FDR continued; Churchill w/ cigar into car. Anna talking to Eleanor & Mrs. Clementine Churchill on porch steps. Camera swings showing Winston also. 14:18:59 King George VI, Anna Boettiger, getting into car w/ Mrs. Churchill; FDR w/ cigarette in holder clenched in teeth drives off. Soldier standing in snow (brief). 14:19:36 Soldier sliding down hill on ??. 14:19:40 Woman into house past FDR holding two young grandchildren w/ Eleanor & older girls behind. (dark but usable). 14:20:34 Dog playing on lawn. 14:20:39 B/W Mrs Churchill & other women around open convertible; Naval Admiral watches; Mrs Churchill waves, standing next to Anna Boettiger. Mrs Churchill on porch talking to ??. Anna w/ tennis racket playing w/ black Scottish Terrier, Fala, & larger black dog on south lawn of White House. MCU w/ Scotty. Presidential Home Movies; Pets; Animals; 1940s; Family Daily Life; NOTE: Color except last piece. Transfer good quality. NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: