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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220985-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1946
Country: South Africa
TC Begins: 21:54:15
TC Ends: 21:56:45
Duration: 00:02:30
Princess Elizabeth Visits South Africa, 1946 MS King George VI of England w/ Queen Elizabeth hold umbrellas while greeting crowds on Royal visit to South Africa. Princess Elizabeth makes speech from podium, windy day, holds hat; “I have looked forward to this journey for so long...have read many books about South Africa...”. Brief shot of Queen w/ umbrella and bunch of flowers greeting well-wishers. 21:54:48 MS Princess Elizabeth prepares to go horse riding. VS Elizabeth and aides on horseback on beach. Princess exits car, reviews military. Speech at podium again; presented w/ gift by President? and wife. Princess raises Naval Ensign? flag alongside Union Jack and watches from balcony as Navy ship w/ sailors in white uniforms standing to attention passes through harbour. State visits. Royal family. Commonwealth Tour. British Empire.