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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221461-51
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1949
Country: Germany,USA
Location: Bonn,DC,Washington
TC Begins: 08:08:15
TC Ends: 08:10:22
Duration: 00:02:07
The Telenews Daily - Acheson Returns From Europe (Visited French, Great Britain & German Ministers) 08:08:41 Large American Overseas Airlines plane arrives, Acheson down stairs, greeted by Truman & wife; news photographers take picture of handshaking. 08:09:09 SOF: “I can say, & I’m glad to say, that my meetings w/ the Foreign Ministers of France & Great Britain were entirely harmonious & reached full agreement. My talks w/ the leaders in Germany were very satisfying for me.” Swish pan. 08:09:29 People lining curb w/ war destroyed buildings behind. People on railroad platform, sign: Bonn. Streamlined train arrives. Police w/ people on platform. Acheson off train, greeted by Adenauer & ?? Cameramen follow group walking w/ various military. 08:10:09 Large school or ?? w/ German flag flying. Acheson, Louis Johnson & ?? at microphones (MOS). Post-WWII; Diplomacy; European Visit; Bonn, Germany; Secretary of State; Secretary of Defense; ca 1949;