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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220800-05
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1968
Country: USA
Location: DC,Washington,White House
TC Begins: 22:34:04
TC Ends: 22:47:38
Duration: 00:13:34
White House and Riots in D.C. following assassination of Martin Luther King South side of White House, fountain in foreground, flag flying at half mast on White House. Various shots White House. Looking up driveway to front of White House. Press setting up lights, cameras and Television cameras near West wing of White House in circular drive. 22:36:14 CU Lush Cherry blossoms and tulips in full bloom. 22:36:35 CU Police, some wearing army helmets, and civilians passing camera Park policeman in middle of street directing traffic. Riot police standing on sidewalk across street, 22:37:03 MLS Smoke rising from burning buildings in far BG somewhere in Washington, DC during 1968 riots; several small shops seen in FG. 22:37:08 Filmed off television screen - riots and aftermath. 22:39:05 Two firemen standing on fire truck next to smoking building. Firefighting on smoking building Rear view, riot policeman standing on street corner, Black children leaning against lamp post . 22:40:24 CU Save More Supermarket burned out and gutted. Cash register sitting out in street. S Fire hoses strung across street, policeman wearing gas mask walks past, police car drives around corner. Fire engine with CU red lights spinning. 22:40:46 Interior view, burned out building still smoldering; 22:41:08 Rear view National Guard jeep with patrol aboard moving down street. Nationial Guard jeeps with armed guards in back up and past. 22:41:20 Tall ladder extended from fire truck, two firemen in FG; one man seen hold ing guy line, smoke. Several National Guardsmen grouped on sidewalk outside Safeway Store. Tracking shot past military vehicles and National Guard marching down street. Tracking shot past buildings, empty street. 22:42:06 Firemen fighting severe blaze inside paint store in shopping district. Second fire truck moving L to R past camera, smoke pours from front of building. 22:42:50 National Guardsman standing in middle of street with rifle. Riot policemen with riot guns standing near group of black people. Good firefighting scenes at various locations. 22:44:38 MS 6X truck loaded with National Guardsmen moving off, burned out buildings seen across street, National Guard ambulance moves and trucks down street. Various shots aftermath of fires, gutted shops and buildings, some still smouldering. National Guardsmen standing at crossroads. Various shots round streets showing National Guard in evidence and aftermath of riots. Shopping area with traffic and pedestrians, guard in evidence. Civil Rights