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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250085-14
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1939
Country: USA
Location: California,Hollywood,Los Angeles
TC Begins: 00:18:22
TC Ends: 00:19:37
Duration: 00:01:15
Titles. 00:18:26 presents Oscar to Bette Davis & Spencer Tracy, SOF: “I’m very happy to congratulate you.” Spencer Tracy: “I, uh, Father Flanagan; congratulations Bette.” Davis: “Thank you, Spence”. Tracy: “Thank You.” GOOD MCUs. 00:18:44 James Roosevelt to Harry Warner SOF: “It is my personal pleasure & honor to present this award to you Mr. Harry M Warner.” CU Warner: “Mr. Roosevelt, it has been a great pleasure”(cut). 00:18:55 ??, Charlie McCarthy & Edgar Bergen pose. Bergen, SOF: “Special award for two junior players. Special award for two juvenile players who have... set a high standard of ability & achievement, Miss Deanna Durbin.” “Thank you very much Mr. Bergen, and you to Charlie.” McCarthy: “That’s all right... (pants). Bergen: “And now for the boy who has given the most to the screen in the past year.” McCarthy: “I want to thank you for this great honor... Bergen: “Charlie, you’re not the boy.” McCarthy: “I feel as though I don’t deserve it, what?” Bergen: “You’re not the boy!” McCarthy: “Well, I’ve been framed, who is it?” Bergen: Well, it’s Mickey Rooney.” McCarthy: “Mickey Rooney? Never heard of him.” Academy Awards; Self Promotion; 1939; Feb39; Actors; Actresses; Hollywood; Movie Industry; Motion Pictures; Producers; NOTE: Rooney not seen.