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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221179-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1954
Country: USA
Location: DC,Gettysburg,Pennsylvania,Washington
TC Begins: 11:48:46
TC Ends: 11:59:13
Duration: 00:10:27
Army & McCarthy Hearings; Eisenhowers laying cornerstone; Gettysburg; McCarthy & Schine 11:48:46 X2 Capitol rotunda w/ large crowd waiting for start of Senate hearing. Very large group still photography & film cameramen. Two military arrive w/ briefcase, boxes & file folders. People taking seats. Four women wearing sash wait to enter. Two VIPs arrive. Sec. Stevens & military VIPs arrive & pose. McCarthy w/ woman on crutches enters. Table w/ Stevenson & military; McCarthy, Cohn at mics. TV camera visible behind committee. Swearing in of Army General, Welch next to him. Crowd shots & very good shots of bank of newsreel cameramen. 11:54:10 X4 President Eisenhower & Mamie at church cornerstone laying. Out of car, into Reid Memorial Presbyterian Church (sign). Crowd of onlookers on curb. Cornerstone w/ 1954 on it, Ike w/ trowel and cement. Police holding back crowd as limousine leaves. 11:56:35 X7 Presidential plane Columbine landing and Dean Rusk off, arrives at Gettysburg & greeted by Ike. Pose for photographers. 11:57:37 X10 David Schine in MCU. Standing,sworn in. Welch, Stevens & Army VIPs sitting behind. Schine holding photograph & questioned by committee members (MOS). 1950s; Anti-Communism; Cold War; McCarthyism; Diplomacy;