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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250074-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1945,1946
Country: France
Location: Le Havre,Paris
TC Begins: 02:46:00
TC Ends: 02:55:14
Duration: 00:09:14
Post-WWII - 1946, France: Spanish Government in Exile Meetings In France Martinez Barrio, President of Spanish Republic in exile, down ship ladder / gangway to dock w/ first secretary & body guard, pose; walk along dock. Arrived on Jamaique from New York. 02:46:59 Premier Jose Giral Pereira of Spanish Republican government at Orly airport. On left Emmanuel d’Astier de la Vigarie (Minister of Interior in de Gaulle’s govt in Algiers) who came to greet him. 02:47:58 Dr. Jose Giral Pereira, President of exiled Spanish Republican Govt leaving Cite Universitaire w/ son Antonio Giral who is his First Secretary. The enter Park Montsuris w/ City University in background, sit down & talk in MCU. 02:49:00 Reception at Madame Malaterre-Sellier for Giral Pereira. Present included Paul Boncour; 02:49:18 MS Giral, Antonio de Aguirre (President of Euzkadi), Minister of Agriculture Jose E. Leiva. 02:49:29 MS Juan Saravia, Minister of Defense, Luis Nicolau D’Olwer, Ambassador to Mexico, Giral. 02:49:34 General view: Saravia, Leiva, Francois Mauriac, Mme. Malaterre-Sellier, Jesuit Father Riquet, Giral. 02:50:00 Mauriac, Giral, Father Riquet. 02:50:09 Giral talking to guests. 02:50:35 Giral & Riquet. 02:50:54 Spanish personalities in Paris: Mrs. Company widow of former President of Cataluna, General Requelme. Dr. Juan Sgnazc, president of Union Nacional Espanola. Dr. Carlos Marti , former Counsellor of Generality of Cataluna. 02:52:21 MCU Dr. Sgnazca & Marti talking. ECU Marti. 02:52:31 MS l. to r. Rafaele Closas, former counsellor of Generality of Cataluna; Jose Tarradellas, former First Councellor of Generality of Cataluna, & Minister Mariano Auso, former Minister of Justice of Spanish Govt. 02:52:35 CU Auso lighting cigarette. CU Tarradellas. CU Closas. 02:52:58 Same three w/ Marti. 02:53:04 Ext of house & studio of Pablo Picasso in the Rue des Grands Augustin. CU sign. 02:53:13 Entrance to Picasso’s house in snow. 02:53:25 Int of Picasso studio w/ meeting of Friends of Spain. People sitting around table in winter coats; CUs & MCUs. Unidentified. 02:54:30 MS & CU of Pablo Picasso talking. Others talk, Picasso listening. 02:54:56 Ext w/ pedestrian along narrow sidewalk. Paris street scenes. US soldier cameraman films briefly as they enter subway. Artist; Writer; Author; Painter; Post-WWII; Post-WW2;