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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221664-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1950s
Country: USA
Location: Detroit,New York City
TC Begins: 12:38:06
TC Ends: 12:47:41
Duration: 00:09:35
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: American Road, The (main title missing) Ford Motor Co. Pt. 3 of 4 Staged: Car to countryside intersection, man looks at sign post, woman upset; second car arrives and farmer gives directions gesturing.. 12:39:06 1920’s women shopping at sidewalk market in Model T, doctor pulling up and out of car, carrying medical bag into house. Businesses, gas station, car dealer. 12:39:53 High angle shot of very crooked road with several cars. Touring mountains and woods in cars bouncing on rutted roads. Feeding bears out of open car. Driving thru redwood tree. Sequoias. People picnicking by lake and picking wild flowers. Camping and sleeping in car. People at beach. Kids running on beach. Waves and kids playing with kelp seaweed. 12:41:53 Montage of car fording stream, on sandy road, through deep snow, driving on railroad bridge, up giant Los Angeles water supply pipeline, Hollywood slapstick comedy excerpt with Harold Lloyd & policeman chasing on motorcycle, across field and up hill, then rolling backwards after policeman throws him out of car. 12:43:15 Ford River Rouge plant w/ steel poured, manufacturing car parts. Large forming presses dwarfing workers and making fenders, hoods. Welding body. Assembling. 12:43:57 Henry Ford in home movies at home, Fairlane, walking and walking with wife Clara in garden. Sitting w/ friend and newspaper. Ice skating w/ grand children. 12:44:39 Ford tinkering with steam engine on farm, driving early tractor plowing, in office with men at desk. Family scene w/ Edsel leaving on family trip in two large calls. Country dancing in barn. Playing with grandson Henry Ford II, w/ Mrs Edsel Ford watching. With Henry II and Benson Ford in garden. Driving with wife in quadricycle in snow. 12:46:40 Camping with John Burroughs, Harvey Firestone, Thomas Edison and others. (soft focus). Burroughs getting into car and driving off. Ford washing clothes beside creek, at large lazy susan table. Talking with Edison. With Edsel camping and walking thru factory machine shop. Technology; Industrial History; Autombiles; Henry Ford; Taylorism; Manufacturing; Recreation; Wealth; Family life; home movies. NOTE: Any continuous ten minutes of entire film 12:19:05 - 12:53:33 sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: