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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220996-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1912
Country: USA
Location: New York,Sagamore Hill
TC Begins: 09:00:01
TC Ends: 09:02:12
Duration: 00:02:11
Scenes of TR at Sagamore Hill Photographed Oct1912 ? Theodore Roosevelt in front of house on horse Sidar shakes hand with William P. Helm, Associated Press Correspondent for New York City & Washington. Rides away from house towards camera. Cantering on road, dismounts, feeds horse sugar. Pets dogs. Reading mail with son Archie, gives Archie papers and waves him off. Walks down driveway with axe, crosses lawn with dogs. 1910s; ca 1912;