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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221384-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1900s,1910s,1920
Country: Arabia,England,Russia,Scotland,United Kingdom,USA
Location: Europe,Middle East
TC Begins: 10:06:38
TC Ends: 10:11:53
Duration: 00:05:15
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1900-1920, Europe: Peasants, Military, Royalty CU of dome of ornate mosque. Arab city street; tents in desert oasis & men run to defense positions. Soldier w/ bugle blowing, troops mounting bayonets while at attention. 10:07:20 Old woman at spinning wheel watched by boys & man sitting on rock wall. Woman milking cow in field. Rutted muddy road; cobblestone street. 10:07:38 Piston rod pumping; CU working camshaft from belt driven wheel. CU steam whistle. 10:08:07 European cavalry riding towards / past camera. 10:08:14 Artillery on field firing w/ smoke blowing. Horses pulling artillery up hill past camera. Soldiers kneeling & firing. Indian Cavalry troops (Gurkhas / Lancers ?) riding in review. 10:08:55 Horses & military or police charging thru street & crowds in riot control. Several situations. 10:09:06 CU low angle Lincoln statue in Lincoln Memorial. 10:09:16 Covered Conestoga wagons past w/ families. High Angle / HA canal boats w/ horse pulling. Canal bridge across river. Railroad bridges including Forth railroad bridge. 10:09:42 Tugs beside 4-stack liner Lusitania w/ camouflage paint. 10:09:51 Firing horse drawn field artillery. 10:09:53 Pre-WWI (?) Military in formal uniforms saluting as two caskets carried up church steps. British flag at half mast. Royal state funeral? King Albert hunting (brief). 10:10:14 Queen Victoria jubilee parade, royal coaches & horsemen thru crowds. 10:10:34 Two battleships towards camera seen from another. 10:10:51 Large launch away from battleship. 10:10:59 VIP royalty in dress uniforms talking. Germans (?) 10:11:09 Russian Tsar & Royalty following Orthodox priest parading past VIPs & seen from above. 10:11:38 High angle of unidentified parade. 10:11:50 Arc De Triomphe. 1900s; 1910s; Symbols; VIPs; History; Pre-WW1; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: