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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220656-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1941,1930s,1940s
Country: Egypt,Israel,Palestine
Location: Middle East,Sinai
TC Begins: 22:49:47
TC Ends: 22:59:10
Duration: 00:09:23
1941 - Educational Film, Egypt & Sinai Flash intertitle: Now there arose up a King over Egypt which knew not Joseph. Exodus, Ch 1. v. 8 Men Plowing w/ oxen; ancient manual irrigation w/ shadouf / shaduf, men cranking screw to move water to higher level. Sun-dried brick-making w/ mud & chopped straw into molds. 22:51:16 Intertitle: Helped by a series of terrible plagues which ravaged Egypt Moses at last forced Pharoah to... 22:51:24 Animated map traces the Israelites' route from Goshen to Kadesh in Sinai. 22:51:48 LS across desert; camel train crossing desert w/ scrub brush; sand whipped wind devils - eroded landscape. CU camel’s feet. 22:52:38 Intertitle: And the Children of Israel encamped. Camels kneeling, men off & bags unloaded. Women hammer in tent pegs; raising tents. Men crowded in tent eating from communal bowl. 22:54:17 Intertitle: And in the morning they arose and took their journey. Breaking camp, women roll up tents, men loading pack camels; one struggling to get to feet. Children strapped into litters on camels back. Antler shaped litters in which sheiks’ wives travel. Tribe crossing desert. 22:55:43 Intertitle: And they went three days in the wilderness and found no water. Ex. Ch. 15 v 22. 22:55:50 CU faces of Bedouin men seated. Nile river w/ cargo boats / Dhows. Nomads getting water from well - four men pulling over 100 yds of rope to get one skin bucket of water. Oasis pool w/ flock of goats nearby; children playing in water. Camels standing in water - animals drinking from pool. 22:57:13 Aerial over mountain range in Sinai. Aerial views mountains. 22:57:32 Intertitle: And Moses went up unt God, and the Lord called unto him out of the mountain.... 22:57:41 View over mountain tops. 22:57:57 Intertitle: At Sinai, too, was made the Tabernacle. Model of tabernacle which Moses built at Mount Sinai. 22:58:22 Desert - Muslims (Moslems) praying outside tent. Trial - Bedouin men sitting in tent - Sheikh speaking to accused as others listen. Bible; Biblical History; Ethnography; Ethnographic Film; Educational Film; Jewish Religion; 1940s; 1930s; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: Very condescending narration.