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1947 - Middle East: Terror Grips Palestine. Mar47

Reel Number: 220656-12

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1947,1940s

Country: Israel,Palestine

Location: Haifa,Jerusalem,Middle East

TC Begins: 23:12:59

TC Ends: 23:16:06

Duration: 00:03:07

1947 - Middle East: Terror Grips Palestine 23:13:03 Crowd of Jews leaving Palestine w/ suitcases heading for Austria & England, barbed wire in foreground. Soldiers checking papers. Boarding trains at railroad station & smiling as train pulls out for Alexandria. 23:13:31 Beached transport ship carrying Jewish refugees near Haifa (name on banner - Chaim Arlozorov). Soldiers watching from beach. Immigrants on board ship; injured removed on stretchers. Immigrants transferred to other vessels to await deportation to Cyprus. MCU of faces. 23:14:10 Exterior Barclays bank in Haifa, CU sign. Two soldiers in doorway. 23:14:19 Animated effect / FX of explosion. Immediate aftermath of terrorist bomb attack on Officers Club in Jerusalem (Goldschmidt House). (narration says it’s Haifa - incorrectly). Rubble - men helped from building. Badly injured & wounded carried on stretchers. Sign on ground NAAFI Goldsmith Officers Club. Bomb damaged building. 23:15:05 Leaders of extreme groups including Stern gang & Etsel (Irgun) arrested by British soldiers, marched under British guard. Jerusalem, Prisoners including Orthodox searched by troops before being put into compound to await deportation. 23:15:48 Troops laying barbed wire - troops on balcony & guarding street. Deserted street. Revolutionaries; Freedom Fighters; Terrorists; Violence; Holy Land; Curfews; Body Search; Middle East; 1940s; Post-WW2; Post-WWII; NOTE: This complete reel may be combined w/ other complete reels to total maximum of ten minutes for per reel rate.

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