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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250005-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1948
Country: Germany
Location: Berlin,Hamburg
TC Begins: 10:08:28
TC Ends: 10:14:38
Duration: 00:06:10
1948 - German Elections; Mushroom Farming; Refurnishing of German Homes Title: Der Wahltag In Berlin. (Polling Day in Berlin) 10:08:34 Man passing out newspaper to pedestrians; others leafletting; boy w/ placard on scooter. 10:08:43 SPD Liste1 & SED Liste 2 on building. Other signs on various buildings, some destroyed. 10:08:59 CU sign: You are leaving the American sector. Pan to line of people outside building, int w/ people voting, USSR, British, USA officers observing. 10:09:35 Nurses passing voting shields around hospital beds & patients vote. 10:09:48 MCU Sidewalk & Franz Neumann (tall in overcoat) greets another; MCU Jakob Kaers, Christian Democratic Order voting. Otto Grotoborg (sp?) leaving poll; Dr. Kurtz voting. Otheers w/ ballots & counting. Various VIPS at counting; staff; calculator / computer 10:10:56 Title: Taucher Unter Toten. 10:11:05 Men on small diving ship looking at large overturned hull; divers in water removing papers. Body raised in basket. 10:12:24 Title: Bilder aus aller Welt. (Images From Around The World) 10:12:25 Children lined up behind truck / bookmobile. 10:12:27 Two men & woman w/ pitchforks past concrete vented building w/ sign: Champignon - Farm (John Schaaf mushroom farm). Open door & descend. Working turning steaming hay / compost & watering; spreading & inserting thermometer. Inserting spoors & mounding. Picking, rinsing & packing for shipment. 10:13:35 Hamburg . Open moving truck & trailer past. 10:13:42 Total destruction of concrete buildings. 10:13:46 Sold stone houses lining street; people giving dishes & furniture & men loading into truck & trailer. Warehouse of goods. People picking up chest of drawers & pulling on cart towards destruction; enter quonset hut home. Post-WW2 Germany Rebuilding; Post-WWII; Cold War; 1948 Elections; Berlin Blockade; Voting; Farming; Political Parties / party Leaders;