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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221496-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1955
Country: USA
Location: Brookhaven,DC,Hanford,New York,Washington
TC Begins: 09:10:24
TC Ends: 09:25:03
Duration: 00:14:39
1955 - Documentary: Atomic Energy Can Be A Blessing Pt. 1 of 2 w/ Fred MacMurray & Father James Keller; a Christopher Production 09:10:50 Operating room w/ doctor & nurses. Narrator: “its atomic energy at work, as a blessing”. 09:10:58 Japanese blast aftermath destruction. 09:11:10 CU doctor operating. MacMurray talking to camera: “...until recent secret motion picture scenes which we are going to show you. Now I think I am an average American citizen...when I hear atom, I think of bomb...” Introduces Father James Keller & asked him how he got interested in atomic energy... Keller says man came & suggested that if the Christopher Brothers could: “ that this power is from God & can be used for research, medicine, agriculture & may have a great effect & benefiting mankind in the future; and if you don’t...most of us may be blasted off the face of the earth.” Discuss changing of this power from destructive to constructive force. 09:13:54 Interior of government atomic energy laboratory producing radioactive material. 09:14:40 Hospital, girl in wheel chair w/ thyroid cancer, drinks radioactive iodine; examined by doctor. 09:15:57 Atomic Energy Commission headquarters in Washington, DC; Brookhaven Lab in NY; Hanford, Washington; Beltsville, Maryland; Schenectady, New York; Oakridge, Tennessee, Los Alamos, New Mexico; New Brunswick, New Jersey; Arco, Idaho; Argonne National Laboratory ext & interior w/ technicians working testing materials; moving concrete shields & using remote control hands to move materials seen through 3 ft. thick window. 09:18:28 Greenhouse laboratory, plants studied; radioactive corn pollen pollinating other plants. Motorized equipment run by scientist to develop better growth in plants. 09:20:04 Keller talks: “...wonderful subject of atomic energy...handful of people have uncovered positive side of atomic energy...” MacMurray suggest he tell about a science teacher who wants to make the world a better place...can’t do enough to help others...(got teenagers to help) ...making atomic energy a God-given help...” 09:23:06 Scientists wheeling cart in Oak Ridge, moving lead shielded rods. Printout of radioactivity as a man drinks iodine solution as doctor watches; then instrument over throat to read the radioactivity & amplified signal showing thyroid gland as a means of diagnosing cancer. Continued... Peaceful Atomic Energy; US Government Propaganda; 1955; Atoms For Peace; Educational Films; Medicine; Medical Procedures; Religion;