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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221437-02
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1968
Country: India,Nepal,Thailand
Location: Asia,Bangkok,kathmandu
TC Begins: 00:12:18
TC Ends: 00:25:42
Duration: 00:13:24
1968 - Asia & Drugs w/ Snake Charmer & Bangkok Prison Hospital; Kathmandu Temple Pt. 2 of 2 Continued.... Hippies on temple roof smoking from bong & clapping to music. Monkey by window bars. 00:14:37 MS small boy beside temple. CUs monk, shopkeeper, men staring stoned at camera. 00:15:31 LS of roofs in wide valley, pulling back to show farmland. 00:15:55 Hippies dancing in street as locals watch while playing drums & clapping. 00:16:23 Two men carrying large bags on poles along road. Kids walking along open area; men w/ bags across plaza. Golden temple monument & bells. Wall poster: Charlie Byrd at National Stadium. Small girl on stone elephant; two boys play under bronze bell. Small children, boy saluting. 00:18:20 View of temple yard or square; people walking w/ sun umbrellas. Small street, pedestrians. Kids staring; jumping. Street scene w/ boys walking & cars & bicycles past. Cow on sidewalk. Man smoking from pipe, sitting by painted statue. 00:20:00 CU Large sign in English: Welcome To Kathmandu; map of down town w/ embassies marked w/ flags (?). MS Woman (psychologist) & bearded man (patient) talking to camera (MOS) beside ornate Buddhist mural (?) or genealogical chart. Drugs; Hippy; Travelers; Tourists; Quest; Buddhism; Religion; Street Scenes; Hippies; Katmandu; 1960s; 1968; NOTE: Any continuous 13 minutes of two cards (00:00:01 - 00:25:42) sold at per reel rate. Cataloging confirmed from cards.