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1994 ca - Mexico, Wealthy Home;Soccer; Industries; Recreation; Orchards

Reel Number: 221591-04

Color: Colour

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1994

Country: Mexico


TC Begins: 03:54:35

TC Ends: 04:16:51

Duration: 00:22:16

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk Interior staircase in very wealthy modern house; view across room w/ large relligious statue of The Virgin Mary & Christ child, leather sofa & wooden tables. 03:55:34 Colorful fresco (?) on wall. Pots & geometric pool beside ivy covered wall. 03:56:11 Soccer match in large covered stadium w/ full grandstand seen from end corner. LS & telephoto shot showing cheering crowds waving flags. Still photographers seen in end 03:59:33 Slug 04:00:00 Slate: 10Jan94 Sidewalk w/ newsstand & people buying newspapers, pedestrians & traffic past. 04:01:29 Slate: 11Jan94 View across large highway & subway in middle to University or factory (?). 04:02:03 man adjusting inking rollers on large machine printing oil cloth or fabric; camera moves alongside; cloth entering oven (?). 04:03:00 Overhead shot of priests or altar boys in large modern Catholic Church w/ organ pipes. 04:03:31 LS towards setting (?) sun over petroleum / oil / gasoline refinery. 04:04:43 Men working amid steam, pipes & pressure hoses. 04:05:27 Second take. 04:06:04 MS group of workmen in hard hats talking. 04:06:09 slug. 04:06:11 Stream in wooden canyon over low rapids / waterfalls into wide natural pool. 04:06:24 Second take, telephoto & different angles. Moving camera to pan w/ stream. Two takes. 04:08:22 Slug 04:08:50 Slate: Indian ruins & mounds, pan to stepped pyramid & others in distance. Several shots. 04:10:31 CU of fitted stones & roof supported by three stone columns on top, pan to reveal sharp edge & another stepped pyramidal stone building in background (ca 7 layers). 04:11:17 Slug. 04:11:21 View up side of stepped, fitted stones; move in to stylie of figure. 04:11:49 High angle of major stone pyramid w/ only a few people walking at base. 04:12:23 Same but better exposure. 04:13:15 Fruit picking men working w/ ladders in orchard. 04:13:47 Lifting large container of oranges (?) 04:14:08 MS of men picking fuit; one man carries large container w/ tump line. Men picking near top of tree. CU lifting basket, carrying. MS picking. Lifting & carrying. Carry ladders. GOOD. 1990s; Mexico Daily Life; 1994; Manufacturing; Factory Interior; Catholic Religion; Ethnic History; Archaelogy; Harvesting; Professional Sports; Homes; Housing; Indian Mayan Ruins; Recreation; Nature; Note: film had several splices & grease pen markings, otherwise good quality. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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