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Afghanistan Celebrates Eid

Reel Number: 221548-02

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1950s

Country: Afghanistan

Location: Kabul

TC Begins: 15:10:34

TC Ends: 15:18:54

Duration: 00:08:20

Afghanistan Celebrates Eid Front view of palace w/ car leaving w/ King, motorcycle police leading convoy & mounted military accompanying to mosque. 15:11:27 King Mohammed Azhar Shah (?) out of car, military man w/ many medals & others including Prime Minister Muhammad Daoud into mosque. Shaking hands w/ officials outdoors. King leading VIPs to Mosque, waving past military lined roadway. More handshaking, people standing, bowing while standing, kneeling in large open plaza. Soldiers lining periphery. 15:12:31 King leaving, putting on white gloves, waving. Flags & banners, military band. VIP massive group lead away from Mosque towards camera, back into car & leaving; returns to palace. 15:13:44 People in streets, greeting each other. Playing w/ kids on small wooden ferris wheel turned by hand by two men. Children very thin waving. Merry-go-round swing turned by hand, kids riding animal statues & men watching. 15:15:13 CU small girls. People walk into the country for picnics under trees, by stream or ditch. Cooking kebabs over small fires. Men playing drums, clapping & small laptop pump organ. Men stand, clap & dance. Some in white shirts & ties, other in traditional dress. Paghman Gardens w/ trees in bloom, men walking, civil service band playing in bandstand. Fountains. Large ornate pavilion. The End. Travelogue; Islam; Religion; Moslim; Celebration; Sacred Holiday; 1950s; Royalty; Middle East;

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