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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220959-07
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1952
Country: Palestine
Location: Middle East,Palestine
TC Begins: 15:26:33
TC Ends: 15:39:18
Duration: 00:12:45
Childhood Of Jesus Family Films/Church Films, dir. Edward Dew 15:26:51 LS model of Bethlehem. CU Baby Jesus in manger; Mary and Joseph take Jesus to temple in Jerusalem, priest holds him, another priest at table w/ scroll. CU Simeon w/ Jesus; Simeon w/ Joseph, Mary and Jesus. 15:30:07 Wise men around campfire at night; wise men talk to people in Jerusalem. King Herod w/ aides; priest reads from scroll; MCU Herod rubs hands together. Herod instructs wise men to find child and tell him location. Star in east. 15:32:35 Wise men visit baby Jesus w/ Mary & Joseph. Joseph hears message from angel in sleep; Joseph, Mary and Jesus escape to Egypt 15:34:24 Herod angry; orders all boy children to be killed. Mary & Joseph w/ Jesus in Egypt. Angel tells Joseph to take Jesus to Israel. Joseph builds fire by roadside, Mary climbs off donkey. Mary and Joseph living in Nazareth; Joseph making furniture, Mary by cradle. VS farming fields, streams running, crops. 15:37:20 Painted backdrop, LS Jerusalem. Mary & Joseph search for 12 yr old Jesus. “Have you seen Jesus anywhere? No...we best go back & look for him.” Mary & Joseph at temple. 15:38:21 Jesus talking w/ teachers. Jesus at home w/ Joseph in workshop; gazes out of window. Bible Story; Christianity; Religion; Jesus Christ; Morality; Tacky / kitsch; NOTE: Good quality color.