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Governor Chot and party inspect Devil’s Island Prison

Reel Number: 220595-02

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1939

Country: French Guiana,Guyana

Location: Devil’s island

TC Begins: 04:09:57

TC Ends: 04:20:50

Duration: 00:10:53

Governor Chot and party inspect Devil’s Island Prison Freighter arriving, group of VIPs greeted, up on dock & past boy scouts (?) & soldiers. Man w/ cigarette out of car. 04:10:22 Convicts assembled in prison exercise yard. VIP w/ prisoners, talks (MOS); oreintal w/ translator. CU soldier salutes. Inspects prison conditions, cells, food. View of Island from boat. Dock area, people wait arrival. Supplies unloaded from ship & onto truck. High angle barrack type housing. Newly arrived prisoner having fingerprints taken & card filed; having identity photograph taken. Prisoners walk past. Inspection of solitary cell blocks, unlocked. Man inside cell at desk or praying. Food into tray in door. Sign on door. Officer on outdoor catwalk over looking cells. POV down into outdoor laundry, raining. 04:14:17 Governor & group of officers saluting. Ceremony. Leave. Exercise yard, prisoners walk around, assemble into groups. 04:15:36 Power generator, man looking at dials. 04:15:54 Work detail, mines ? Gold ? Water running down channel, over sluice box, men picking in water. 04.16.31 Men in foundry hammer large metal ring. Natives push white overseer thru jungle on small rail line. Felling trees w/ axe. Cutting up timber. Men carry wood on shoulders, unloading from boat. Oxen haul large logs. 04:17:48 Outside & inside prison sawmill; timber cut on power saws. Prisoners making boat, shoes & boots. Tilling field & planting. 04:19:00 Man painting religious mural. Man teaching local native children exercises, callisthenics in large field under trees. Truck through grassy field down road. Convicts using poles to move flat rail dolly over narrow tracks along roadway. White overseer riding, seated. French Guiana; Guards; Colonialism;

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