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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221422-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940s
Country: Peru
Location: Lima
TC Begins: 18:43:42
TC Ends: 18:54:57
Duration: 00:11:15
Highlands of the Andes (Peru) Pt 2 of 2 Cattle on Lake Titicaca fed lake grass from reed boats. Villages along hillside, men thresh grain from straw w/ flails. Woman in felt hat, boys in felt hats. Throwing grain into wind to thresh seeds. Potatoes spread out after freezing to make chuno. Symbols for village store signs: cornhusks, baskets. Dried manure gathered for fuel. 18:46:45 Christian religion Holy Day celebration w/ religious statues, priest & procession. Drummers & music. Conch shells & flutes played & blown. Dancers. 18:48:18 Tying load onto llama & leading to market. 18:49:20 Mixing mountain grass into mud to make adobe, then into molds for large blocks. Building school house, carrying bricks up on ladder. Incas w/ llama on mountain path. 18:51:20 Using oxen to thresh. City of Cuzco in highlands w/ large stone walls. Streets & sidewalks, people, llamas. Goods spread out on blankets and in baskets. Sandals from old tires, hats for sale. Abrupt ending. Geography; South America; Native Indians; Incas; Social Studies;