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If a Boy Needs a Friend

Reel Number: 220624-86

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1940

Country: USA


TC Begins: 01:20:40

TC Ends: 01:31:24

Duration: 00:10:44

If a Boy Needs a Friend Documentary: On efforts by a teacher and the Young Men's Christian Association to combat antisemitism among children. YMCA -Sixth-grade boys in New Haven, Conn. Boys in playground picking teams for baseball. Jewish boy left out - bullies turn him away. Woman teacher asks help from Male Secretary of the New Haven YMCA. Boys club formed. Boys ask if they have to have Jew in their club. Boys club on outing in forest - one falls and Jewish boy goes to his aid - boys become friends - sitting round campfire - swimming in lake. Boys club starts doing good for community - making money for school clothing fund. Boys club receives YMCA charter. Jewish boy becomes vice president. animal

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