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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221235-05
Color: Black and White and Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1930s-1965
Country: Cyprus,Israel,Palestine,USA
Location: Arad,Haifa,New York City,Tel Aviv
TC Begins: 04:40:52
TC Ends: 04:49:44
Duration: 00:08:52
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Pt 2 of 3 Animation gives way to footage & stills. Photo montage: early Jewish immigrants to Palestine 1910s. Zionist leader Theodor Herzl. Large group photo. Growth of Jewish community in Tel Aviv following British mandate - Balfour. 04:41:41 Footage montage: street scenes Jerusalem. 1930s? - Arab woman in burka, Jewish men. Bodies lined up outside WWII concentration camp - emaciated survivors - 04:42:09 Jewish refugees packed onto boats; riots against restrictive British immigration policy in Palestine. Illegal immigrants forced to turn back by British Navy & at check points. 04:42:38 Refugees in detention camp on Cyprus. British installation bombed by Jews in Palestine. 04:42:59 United Nations meeting, November, 1947 - resolution for partition of Palestine. British withdrawal from Palestine: military ceremony & lowering of Union Jack, troops onto boat. Stills of Ben Gurion proclaiming Israel as Sovereign state. 04:43:32 Jews celebrate in streets. Arab militia firing machine guns - Arabs surrendering after ceasefire. 04:44:04 Feb49, Chaim Weizmann sworn in as President. Immigrants arriving by boat. 04:44:39 Modern-day Israel - luxury liner ‘Shalom’ in dock, passengers off - street scenes showing new wealth. Street scenes. El Al Israel Airlines plane loaded w/ exports. Artist & scientist at work, churches, ethnic minorities - group of Arabic-speaking Druze people. 04:45:34 Nomadic Bedouins in desert “who cared only for their sheep & watering holes”. Road construction thru desert. 04:46:19 New town of industrial community of Arad under construction (founded 1962) on site of ancient Canaanite city. Worker comes home to wife & young child - VO re importance of educated European refugees w/ “idealism of pioneers”. Top shot Haifa. Docks & loading & unloading ships. Reliance on imports until Israeli crops sufficient. Farm workers; combines harvest grain - farm laborers pick crops in border territory under armed guard - bananas cut & carried. Kibbutzes & agricultural success - collective workers on truck & picking fruit - VO re decline in numbers of Jewish workers. Indian man working on Kibbutz, wife helping in kitchen but “not used to the concept of communal sharing”. Continued... Religion - Judaism; Palestine Police; Farming / Agriculture; Politics; Economics; Terrorism; Class / Caste System; Social Problems; Travelogues - Middle East; Post-WWII; 1960s; Colonialism; Israel National Independence; Post-WW2; NOTE: One continuous minute sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: