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Kodo Nippon R4 of 4

Reel Number: 221476-04

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1940

Country: Japan


TC Begins: 15:29:10

TC Ends: 15:41:51

Duration: 00:12:41

Japan, ca 1940 w/ stylized Buddhist temples; art works Photograph of ?? in ornate uniform. Temple grounds, formal entrances & soldier visible. Japanese Diet (?) ext & int. Painting of soldier & parents bowing to him. Officer shaking hands w/ soldier (?) & government official, all bowing. Actually room from previous painting. Lantern or ?? beside table. 15:30:45 Ext. of government building. Title card. 15:31:12 Farmer beside rice or grain field blowing in wind. 15:31:32 Temple entrance way, gates. Buildings. Formal gardens. 15:33:34 Japanese title w/ art work. Militaristic helmeted Kagura (?) dancers seen from above. LS, MS & CUs. Swords drawn. 15:34:59 Japanese titles, scrolls rolled & unfurled. Pan over mountain ridge w/ fog; other ridges w/ fog. Pine trees w/ new growth, CU & on hillside. LS of valley in rugged mountains, swift flowing steam. Fog moving thru valleys seen from above. Clouds over ridge. Branches of various forests, barren trees & old trees. 15:36:56 Waves breaking over jagged rocks in surf. Metal sculptued plaque of warriors. Stone marker, rocks on sand; trees blowing in breeze, waves over rocks. 15:37:40 Large statue on base as monument to warrior or priest, LS & MS. 15:37:52 Wooden markers w/ characters, temples. Painting of warriors & horsemen in battle; painting of naval officers shipboard in battle. Waves breaking on rocky shore; trees in violent wind & still. Blossoms on branches outside temple. Stone lion, lantern. Temple roof in front of clear sky. 15:38:59 Map of Korean peninsula w/ characters over. Stylized paintings of ?? Japanese characters on paper. Painting of Mt. Fuji w/ characters, scenic footage of Fuiji w/ & w/o clouds around base from several distances. Characters over scenic views for balance of film. Abrupt end. Travelogue; Ethnic Culture; Pre-WWII; Buddhist Religion; Buddhism; Scenics; Poetic; Oriental architecture; NOTE: Ca 40 min. edited version of original 72 min. film (per IMDB).

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