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Ngono and Her People R3 of 3

Reel Number: 221711-22

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1939

Country: Africa,French Cameroon

Location: Africa

TC Begins: 06:46:23

TC Ends: 06:55:39

Duration: 00:09:16

Native couple meets & talks beneath palm tree. CUs. He asks her to marry as he’s going to teach at Church mission. 06:47:16 Title: There was but one place for the wedding - the mission church. 06:47:23 White missionary performing marriage ceremony; MCUs. Couple walks off. 06:47:48 LS of church; MS of couple walking out followed by others. MCU. 06:48:16 Couple arriving at village guest house; greeted & hand shaking. Boy leads them w/ porters carrying goods on heads to thatched house & all enter. 06:49:00 Three men sitting on logs & ground talking, man gesturing; another nodding. CU praying, others gather round. Prayer is on inter-title. 06:50:09 Despondent looking man sitting on ground, couple approaches & sits down; man talks to man holding head; CUs. “I try to believe, but I am afraid...” 06:51:02 Man suddenly goes into seizure; couple jumps to him. CU man out of hut yelling; women grab heads & yell. Couple prays over man w/ seizure who raises up & opens eyes. CUs. 06:52:03 Title: “Our Father God has saved me.” 06:52:08 Smiles & handshaking. 06:52:16 Title: “Having won the faith of the villagers... 06:52:28 Woman teaching outdoors in front of children sitting on log benches. MCU gesturing w/ stick & pointing. Native man comes up watches & nods head. 06:53:15 Man walks away, sits down on ground & takes off pith helmet. Two women come up gesturing & chanting or shaking arms etc. He gets up & gestures for them to leave him alone & sits down again - talks to himself. 06:53:59 Title: “It’s too bad more of my wives did not run away to the mission.” CU man sighing. 06:54:13 Teacher & many kids on bench. 06:54:37 Husband teaching people & leading in singing outside of church / hut. MCUs. 06:55:20 Title: “And so the work of ‘Our Father God’ was carried on.... The End. Africa; White Missionaries; European Missionary; Black Missionaries; 1930s; 1939; French Cameroon; Religion; Colonialism; Religious Propaganda;

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