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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220958-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1960
Country: USA
Location: Stage Set
TC Begins: 13:10:08
TC Ends: 13:19:42
Duration: 00:09:34
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: No Other Gods Pt. 2 of 2 Continued... Professional football footage. Headline “Gridiron Star Injured” Tricky Courtney hospitalized. In traction in hospital talking w/ Margaret & David, the other business partner. She says “isn’t it time to wake up & worshiping other gods”. Nurse asks them to leave. At home they talk w/ Bill about helping Tricky. “Keep your faith strong...never lose sight of God...” Religion. Christianity. Kurt comes back from hospital offering to help refinance things. 13:12:42-13:12:57 Manufacturing montage of electronics assembly. 13:13:06 Tricky comes into Kurts office in neck brace. Kurt gives them each $100 checks saying that’s according to contract & suggests they go to lawyer. Uncle Bill parables. 13:15:10 Bill into Kurt’s office. Says he’s come to help him. Shows Kurt a letter from Washington Patent Office as Bill had applied one in David’s name. Offers to sell it to Kurt. Gives parable to Kurt saying to give up now. Kurt says he’ll try to earn their forgiveness. 13:17:17 Meets w/ them & tears up the contract. David offers Kurt a new contract for signature. Gives ring to Margaret. Dissolve back to photo album & Bill & ?? on couch. Another parable. “How will I be sure I’ve picked the right man.” The End Religious education; moral tale; Bitterness; Christian Religion; NOTE: Any continuous minute sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: