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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221190-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1960s
Country: Ukraine,USSR,Vietnam
Location: Crimean,Ukraine,Vietnam
TC Begins: 03:10:18
TC Ends: 03:18:40
Duration: 00:08:22
The Peace Fund Reel 2 of 2 Brass monument base w/ bas relief of workers & gifts; tilt up statue of warrior w/ onion domes of orthodox church behind. Tilt on up to flag flying on top of domed building. WWII donations & women; others. Russian fighter planes lined up. Soldiers & people giving gifts. Pilots hugging & kissing. Factory & railroad w/ equipment. Tank across snowscape. 03:12:16 Author Boris Polevoy talking about all donations accepted by Peace Fund. Crimean artists w/ paintings they are giving. Envelopes, coins, Madonna & child relief, watches, 03:13:45 Bow of ship sliding down ways, men on top of electrical transmission towers, workers in steel mill & elsewhere. Children packing boxes. Factory workers bottling medicine. 03:14:23 Vietnamese children, planes dropping bombs in air to air shot in slow motion, kids into culvert bomb shelter. 03:14:38 Packing medicine & crates loaded onto ship; ambulance loaded. Burning Vietnamese village intercut. Kids waving goodbye to ship. Plane being loaded for Palestine; another large freight jet taking off at twilight for earthquake victims. People addressing envelops & packages to Peace Fund. Stills of families. People dancing outdoors at cafe & in street. Child dance. 03:16:28 Poet Robert Rozhdestvensky looking out window on snowy day w/ traffic below. His bookshelf scanned as he talks about why we write when war is going on. 03:17:40 Pedestrians in winter coats, talking. Cars behind & walking, smiling. End Credits. The End. Humanitarian; Charity; Fund Raising; Anti-War; Vietnam War;