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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221804-18
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1946,1940s
Country: Belgium,Czechia,Czechoslovakia,England,Germany,Occupied GERMANY,South Africa,United Kingdom,USA
Location: Berlin,Cologne,Dachau,FraNnkfurt,Hamburg,Koln,Malmedy,Mannheim,Prague
TC Begins: 23:10:46
TC Ends: 23:21:27
Duration: 00:10:41
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Post-WWII - 1946, Germany: Food Conference; Bridge Rebuilding / Opening; War Crimes Trials LS Hamburg street & town hall. Int. British General Brian Robertson & US Gen. Lucius D Clay seated between civilians at table; conference audience. CU of ?? & ??. American military in audience listen. MS & LS Gen Robertson speaking & audience listening. 23:11:39 MS SOF “We say that in England people are finding that victory has brought no relief from food shortage & from strict rationing.” Sits down. 23:12:04 Clay stands & speaks (MOS) Narrator says (?) Robertson emphasizes Britain's wish for sufficient food for the German people & Gen Clay in his talk expresses the hope that the responsibility for food can soon be placed in German hands. 23:12:34 SOF Clay: “that these meetings will result in the not too distant future in the placing of additional responsibilities on your shoulders.” Audience applauds. 23;12:46 Intertitle: Koln: Gerneral McNarney Eroffnet Die Patton-Brucke. (Opens Patton-Bridge) 23:12:53 MS Pedestrians crossing narrow bridge w/ rubbled buildings & Cathedral in background. LS of steel & wood bridge across Rhine connecting Cologne & Deutz. US Gen Joseph T McNarney reviewing troops. HA & MS spectators. McNarney given acetylene torch & cuts metal ribbon. Rides in first car across, POV w/ view of city, stops & salutes tugboat & column of landing barges passing beneath. LS, of bridge. 23:14:01 Intertitle: Deutschland (U.S. Zone): 40 Stadte Wahlen. (40 Cities Elections) Frankfurt, Germany. Election poster: Gemeindewahl 1946... Pan from plaza to people entering voting stations / polling places; walking w/ umbrellas in light rain w/ brick piles in background; looking at posters outside polls. Crippled man carried to car after voting. Interior, voting, men checking voting rolls in registration book & other voting activities. 23:14:43 Bayrueth Hospital patients vote behind screens / cloths. 23:14:59 Ballots sorted & counted; typing on mimeograph keyboard & printing; newspaper press & papers off as narrator says The Christian Social Union gains the majority. 23:15:43 Intertitle: Staatsmanner Auf Reisen (Statesmen in the News) South African Prime Minister Field Marshal Jan Smuts off plane, greeted by Maj Gen Erskine & Colonel Rein; reviews troops at airport. Smuts visits Hitler's Wilhelmstrasse air raid shelter / bunker. 23:16:40 Intertitle: Bilder vom Wiederaufbau: Brucken Uber Rhein Und Neckar (Bridges across Rhine & Neckar). Construction workers rebuild Cologne’s South Bridge. British Gen. Thomas cuts ribbon to reopen railroad bridge & first train crosses. 23:17:37 Mannheim’s Friedrich-Ebart Bridge reopened by US Gen. Edwin Parker & Dr. Braun, Mayor of Mannheim, cuts ribbon w/ first tram / trolley & crowd crosses the Neckar River. 23:18:20 Intertitle: Malmedy-Prozess Beginnt: 74 Angeklagte der Leibstandarte SS “Adolf Hitler”. Dachau, ext. prison. Int. hallway & cell door sign: Kurt Sickel, Sepp Dietrich seen thru door window. Hermann Friess in another cell. CU book cover Malmedy Case, opened. Military judges enter courtroom. CU Gen Josiah T Dalby; Lt. Virgil Lary only massacre survivor (SOF) points to defendant who fired first two shots at US POWs. 23:20:41 Prag: Todesurteil Gegen Karl Hermann Frank (Prague war crimes trial). Street scene. Int. Clerks look thru documents / evidence for trial. Frank defending himself in court before judge (MOS). Post-WW2; 1940s; Denazification; Justice; Accusations; German Occupation; Ceremonies; Oddities; Rebuilding; Reconstruction; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. Good quality sound & picture. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: