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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220470-28
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1946,1940s
Country: USA
TC Begins: 05:43:03
TC Ends: 05:43:50
Duration: 00:00:47
Post-WWII - 1946, USA Homefront: Pre-National Brotherhood Week, 16-24Feb46, Statement Intertitle: Stassen Urges All Americans To Build World Brotherhood. 05:43:09 Harold Stassen, chairman of American Brotherhood week (sponsored by representatives of various faiths) shaking hands w/ religious leaders. 05:43:17 Stassen seated w/ Sec. of Agriculture Anderson speaks in front of microphone, SOF: As I see it every American should reflect anew upon his duel obligations. First, to treat our fellow Americans as brothers in the deepest ethical sense; and second, and equally important, to so conduct our own individual lives that others will want to treat us as brothers. Post-WW2; Humanitarian Efforts; Racial Tolerance; Race Awareness; Harmony; National Conference For Jews & Christians / NCCJ; 1940s;