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Post-WWII - 1947, Poland: Cardinal Hlond 16Nov47; Catholic Church Services In Damaged Churches. 18Oct47

Reel Number: 221768-01

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1947,1940s

Country: Poland

Location: Warsaw

TC Begins: 18:00:00

TC Ends: 18:11:33

Duration: 00:11:33

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk Post-WWII - 1947, Poland: Cardinal Hlond 16Nov47; Catholic Church Services In Damaged Churches. 02-18Oct47 16Nov47 Polish Cardinal August Hlond arrives in rain, received by Mgr. Sigismund Kaczynski & up steps; MCU. 18:00:32 Large bombed / destroyed church, people exiting; Priests leading altar boys & girls w/ banners 18:01:04 Catholic VIPs sit on couch, talking in Kaczynski’s office. Reverend Michael Kolbuch, Provincial of Poland & father of La Salette Congregation bows / kisses ring of Hlond. Church VIPs talking; two small girls bring gift of flowers. CU Cardinal. 18:02:56 18Oct47 LS of destroyed church: Place of Three Crosses w/ clock tower, pedestrians. MS. MCU praying people in/out of small whitewashed chapel w/ Wejscie Do Kosciola above entrance; crucifix on roof. 18:04:10 02Oct47 LS Wrecked Church of Holy Cross (?) w/ some scaffolding. CU cross & statues on top. MS men working on scaffolding; MS Statue of Sursum Corda / SVRSVM CORDA / Lift Up Your Hearts (Christ carrying cross). Men raising wooden arch / roof support. CU SVRSVM CORDA carved on lintel beneath statue. 18:05:47 05Oct47 Int. girls & women singing / choir during mass. CU old woman in scarf. 18:06:28 MS scaffolding against stone church. 18:06:43 Int. w/ Men, women & children & bowed heads. Altar boys moving to front of church followed by priest; leaving, priest waving ?? Congregation follows. Congregation singing, reading prayer book. MS looking at camera; young girls singing; MLS of congregation. Man into confessional; LS over worshipers to front of church, kneeling. CU woman in scarf. 18:10:32 Priest in corner ?? giving sermon; scaffolding seen beyond. People in front of priest listening. Post-WW2 Religion; Catholic church services; 1940s; NOTE: Jan40 Hlond broadcast on Vatican radio of persecution of Jews & Catholic clergy in Poland, though had advocated for boycotting Jewish businesses in a pastoral letter, Feb36. NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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