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Pt. 2 of

Reel Number: 250228-02



Year / Date: N/A



TC Begins: 00:08:49

TC Ends: 00:17:21

Duration: 00:08:32

00:08:49 Group of men along road; enter building of large stones, followed by unarmed guard. 00:09:06 Wide wooden doors w/ signs & above sign: ???. 00:09:11 Man opens large steel laundry washing tank / machine; heavy coats loaded in, door closed. 00:09:25 Men entering ??? sign over door (hospital?) 00:09:33 Interior, woman in white coat & cap, interviews one at the time. Flash title. Physical exam given, notes taken. Exterior, men leaving w/ coats past sentry outside entrance. Carts w/ boots arrive. 00:10:22 Flash title. ?? Officials at table inside talking to man, men in khaki clothes to table & information taken down. Others wait. Flash title. Men marching w/ brooms & shovels. 00:11:06 Men moving carts of wood past log building under construction. Men forking bark & scraps into cart. Chop & move lengths of logs. Unloading coal or charcoal from freight car into cart & wheeled off. 00:11:45 Women moving bricks on planks. 00:11:51 Interior. Woman washing cloaks in tanks 00:12:01 Man hurrying past entrance arch; guards in sentry box. Woman enters showing papers to guard. Flash title ??? Interior: man sitting around table w/ books talking, leafing thru notebooks (discussing patients / prisoners?). Dissolve to CU of booklet w/ name, number & ??, opened and various papers seen. 00:12:38 Intertitle. ?? LS forested mountain peak w/ Russian Orthodox church tower on top, stream at base. 00:12:45 Flash title. CU large exterior clock: 7:00. Woman ringing bell; women getting up. Man checks watch & rings handbell, men throw off blankets, get dressed, washing up, eating breakfast. Women eating breakfast. 00:14:16 Soldier in hallway saluting to man in doorway. CU steam whistle. Flash title. Men marching out of building. 00:15:01 Woman out of doorway. Flash title. Men lined up at attention & call out names, MCUs turning heads. Women lined up & call out names, MCUs.. 00:15:51 Soldiers salute. Flash title. Salutes, LS across courtyard. Flash title. Names called & men handed work ticket & leave. 00:16:30 Women in front of fence & sheds also given tickets & leave, MCUs. 00:17:10 Men marching off holding work tickets.

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