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Stranger At Our Door, The Pt. 2

Reel Number: 220956-08

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1949

Country: USA


TC Begins: 11:43:30

TC Ends: 11:49:50

Duration: 00:06:20

Pt 2 of 3 Continued... 3 juvenile delinquents being thrown out by immigrant man for breaking window; Joe speaks in foreign language on their behalf. They are let go by the man. Steve doesn’t understand why he helped them out. Joe “like it says in the bible...we are all brothers and God wants us to love one another.” Steve looks at new Buick on sidewalk, gets in and drives off with Joe to garage. Police inside talking down numbers and Buick driven in where they check the plates. Finds out its stolen and they accuse Steve of taking the car. Both are arrested. 11:47:2? Judge asks Steve what is going on but he’s been in front of him for third time. Joe asks to speak, says he understands as an immigrant that he can say whatever he wants. Picks up bible from desk and opens it, quotes. Says Steve is innocent, explains that Steve helped him out. tape ends at 11:49:50 Juvenile Delinquency / Delinquents; Social Issues; Religious education; 1949; 1940s; Post-WWII; Post-WW2; Religion; Morals; Morality; Continued on 220142.

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