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Teenage Challenge Pt 2 of 3

Reel Number: 220955-11

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1960

Country: Romania,USA

Location: studio SET

TC Begins: 09:32:16

TC Ends: 09:41:33

Duration: 00:09:17

Teenage Challenge Pt 2 of 3 EXT typical American high school, kids in. INT Dave at lockers w/ Ziggy & Stan SOF: “When’re you & Betty gonna get out of this church rut & live like the rest of us human beings?” “Well from what I’ve seen Laughing Boy, seems to me like it’s against the law to have any fun.” The argue & Dave starts preaching at them about making most of life through God - “so long Parson”. Betty overhears & avoids Dave. 09:34:28 Dave into newspaper office, Betty on phone. Tells him he “made a perfect fool” of himself, “if you’re going to make like a missionary, please don’t expect me to go along with you”. 09:36:08 Dave at home w/ parents - father praises his newspaper column - asks about essay contest & problems Dave’s generation will have to deal with. “You kids are really facing a colossal challenge”. 09:37:13 Dave at Sports Editor desk typing essay Finding God’s Will For My Life’ for contest - shows it to Betty & Stan. They tell him he shouldn’t enter it, “You really are biting off a mouthful.” You better get ready for a few laughs”. 09:38:52 Dave in Mrs Goodman’s office; she tells him the essay committee thought his essay one of the best but cannot be admitted into contest: “It’s always been traditional in our public school system to keep the school & the church separate...” She ask him to write on a different subject. Dave upset: “I thought I’d get a rise out of some of the kids but I never dreamed I’d have it kicked back at me by the faculty”. Teacher apologetic but “some feel it would be making a church out of our school assembly” - Secular education; Religion; Christianity; Evangelism; Social Issues; 1950s Americana; Bullying; Journalism; Separation of Church and State;

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