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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220960-06
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1952
Country: Palestine
Location: Middle East,Palestine
TC Begins: 17:15:43
TC Ends: 17:28:03
Duration: 00:12:20
Trial Before Pilate Family Films/Church Films, dir. Edward Dew; w/ Nelson Leigh Good Color 17:16:08 Pontius Pilate w/ Roman soldier. Jesus w/ Pilate. Pilate addresses Jewish accusers. Pilate asks Jesus “Are you the King of the Jews?” / “My Kingdom is not of this world...” Pilate shouts at accusers. Sunrise. 17:19:21 King Herod in palace, mad for being gotten up early; talks w/ aide & to himself. Jesus w/ Elders before Herod. Herod praises for turning water into wine as a great magician. Jesus refuses to talk. Herod gives Jesus a ‘kingly robe’, sends him back to Pilate as its a crime against Rome. 17:23:09 Pilate addresses rowdy crowd. Jesus w/ crown of thornes questioned by Pilate; elders demand crucifixion. 17:27:04 Jesus w/ crown of throwns on throne, mocked & stripped of robe, led away followed by mob. LS silhouette of three crosses on hill. Bible Story; Jesus Chris; Morality; Tacky / kitsch; Christianity; Religion; Myths; NOTE: Good quality color.