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Woman’s Page, The (Christian Dior Salon & Salesroom)

Reel Number: 221460-07

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1949

Country: USA

Location: New York City,NYC

TC Begins: 06:12:42

TC Ends: 06:14:34

Duration: 00:01:52

Title: The Woman’s Page (Christian Dior Salon & Salesroom) 06:12:45 Two women at table, women or models in. Ext. carved stone: Christian Dior. Int. man cleaning mirror in fitting room; two women stitching; fitting. Models at makeup table in front of mirrors. Two lighting cigarettes. 06:13:06 Two women in robes down stairs w/ coats, past men laying carpet. Woman in black evening dress, jewels & hat down stairs, stops & looks at mannequin. Another model w/ pearls; model w/ jeweled dress & oriental model looking at her dress. Woman in store looking at purse; jewelry. The End. ca September 1949; French Fashion Marketing; NOTE: This is thought to be to promote the opening of the New York City store.

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